
NJ prisoner released during COVID wave struggles to find stability

This is not where James Magilton wanted to be 14 months just after he was released from a New Jersey jail. 

“I was hoping for a fairytale ending to the story,” he said last month.

Magilton’s story, at the very least this public chapter of it, began on Nov. 4, 2020.

Now 58, Magilton was a person of thousands of inmates introduced on that single working day as New Jersey took an unprecedented step to reduce the range of people incarcerated after first waves of COVID-19 wrought their lethal impression on Back garden State prisons. 

Magilton was ferried to the Trenton Transit Station where he was left, in his wheelchair, with two transit tickets and nowhere to go.  

An army of re-entry workers stepped in to support, and many information organizations — including and the United states of america Right now Network New Jersey — explained to Magilton’s story in the days after his release

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